Comparative Evaluation of Cleaning Efficacy of Prime PedoTM and DXL-ProTM Pedo Rotary Files with Conventional H Files in Root Canals of Primary Teeth: An In Vitro Study
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research - Year 2019, Vol 13, Issue 7
ABSTRACT Introduction: Pulpectomy is the treatment of choice for primary teeth with irreversible pulpitis or necrosis. Chemo-mechanical preparation is an important aspect of pulpectomy. Mechanical instrumentation can be accomplished by instrumentation with hand, rotary or reciprocating systems. Nickel‑Titanium (NiTi) rotary files have inherent flexibility which preserves the original anatomy of root canals in primary teeth during instrumentation. Aim: To evaluate and compare the cleaning efficacy of two paediatric rotary files (Prime PedoTM, DXL-ProTM with H files in root canals of primary molars. Materials and Methods: A total of 54 extracted primary maxillary and mandibular molars were selected for the study. The selected teeth had at least two-third of root length. Teeth with internal or external pathological root resorption or perforation in the furcation area were excluded from the study. Sixty intact root canals were selected for the study. India ink was injected in all the root canals using 30-gauge insulin syringe. The remaining traces of ink after instrumentation were evaluated for assessing the cleaning efficacy. The first set of root canals (n=20) were instrumented with Group I rotary files (Prime PedoTM). The second set of root canals (n=20) were instrumented with Group II (DXL-ProTM) rotary files and third set of root canals (n=20) were instrumented with H files. Teeth were decalcified and dehydrated. They were then cleared in methyl salicylate. The samples were observed under stereomicroscope at 10X magnification for residual ink at coronal, middle and apical third of root canal. The scores obtained were analysed using One-Way ANOVA test. Results: Prime Pedo (p<0.025) and DXL-Pro (p<0.012) files had better cleaning efficacy compared to H files at the coronal and apical third of root canals. Intergroup comparison between Prime Pedo and DXL-Pro showed no statistically significant difference. No significant difference could be found between three file systems at middle third of root canals. Conclusion: Paediatric rotary files had a better cleaning efficacy as compared to H files at coronal and apical third of root canals. However, at middle third, no difference in cleaning efficacy was found between two paediatric rotary files (Prime PedoTM, DXL-ProTM) and H files. Paediatric rotary files can be used as an alternative to conventional H files in routine paediatric endodontics for better instrumentation of root canals.
Authors and Affiliations
Farhin Katge, Sanjana Ghadge, Manohar Poojari, Khushboo Jain, Devendra Patil
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