Comparative evaluation of controllability and safety of therapeutic hypothermia in the intensive care of severe traumatic brain injury
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 4
The article presents the results of a comparative study of control and safety of two technologies of therapeutic hypothermia in intensive care in patients with TBI: an estimate of the rate of its induction, control of its maintenance, dynamics of attaining normothermia. A total of 24 patients with a severe TBI divided into 2 groups were examined: I (n=12) – therapeutic hypothermia with "Blanketrol II" (CSZ) with the use of non-invasive technology to achieve the target core body temperature (Tco) of 34-34.50C; II group (n=12) – carrying out therapeutic hypothermia «Blanketrol - II» with the use of an esophageal device for hypothermia to achieve Tco - 34-34,50С. The mean time from the moment of induction to achievement of the target Tco in group I was 9.5±2.39 hours, in group II – 9±2.70 hours (p>0.05). The maintenance period Tco at the level of ≤34.50C in the II group was greater – 10.5±5.78 compared with 6.83±3.95 hours in patients of the I group (p<0.05). Control of the warming process was significantly higher in group II, which was reflected by a lower mean of Tco value at 24, 28 and 32 hours. There were no clinically significant adverse effects in therapeutic hypothermia.
Authors and Affiliations
A. V. Tsarev, L. V. Usenko
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