Comparative Philosophical Analysis of Systems and Integral Approaches to Study Complex Systems

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1


Article devoted to the problem of comparison of concepts of systems and integral approaches to study complex systems. Research problem is actual and important because it is impossible to comprehensively understand the phenomenon of complexity without systems approach. But understanding the concept of complexity and other concepts of systems approach is not enough for comprehensive understanding of being: systems approach passes by all culturological and psychological phenomena. It was explicated concept of complexity, concept of systems approach and concept of integral approach in order to comprehend the problem of comparison of systems and integral approaches to study complex systems. Complexity was defined as characteristic of structure of system. Structure was defined as the totality of interrelationships between a system’s constituents. Here, the complexity of a structure is equated to the degree of its organization and is determined by way of analysis of the system’s emergent properties. It is important to note that in this article complexity is defined as a relative phenomenon. It was comprehended the phenomenon of reductionism, physical and systemic types of reductionism were distinguished. System approach was defined as approach that studies systems as systems: because of nonreducing systems to physical bodies systems approach is free from all manifestations of physical reductionism. Integral approach was explicated as approach to cognition that includes all fundamental ways of interpretation of cognition. As a result of comparative philosophical analysis of systems and integral approaches to studying complex systems conclusion was reached that integral approach includes systems approach by definition, overcoming not only the physical type of reductionism, but the systemic type also.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Zhulenkov


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  • EP ID EP661327
  • DOI 10.35423/2078-8142.2019.1-2.06
  • Views 207
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How To Cite

Oleksandr Zhulenkov (2019). Comparative Philosophical Analysis of Systems and Integral Approaches to Study Complex Systems. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(1), 125-140.