Comparative Study between Exteriorization of Uterus during Cesarean Section Versus Intraperitoneal or in-Situ Repair
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 7
The objectives of this study is to assess intraoperative and postoperative advantages and disadvantages following exteriorization of uterus as compared to those with intraperitoneal or in-situ repair and to assess intraoperative and immediate postoperative morbidity following exteriorization of uterus as compared to in-situ repair. In this randomized controlled, prospective study 100 women planned for LSCS were included. The women were randomly assigned to two groups, exteriorization group and in-situ group. Variables analysed were intraoperative blood loss, intraoperative and immediate postoperative nausea and vomiting, intraoperative pain, postoperative pain, postoperative analgesic requirement, postoperative fever morbidity, perioperative fall in hemoglobin and wound infection. There was significant difference in the intraoperative blood loss between the two groups. Blood loss being less in exteriorization group. P value was < 0.0014. There was significant difference in the operating time. Exteriorization required less time as compared to in-situ group. P value was <0.0001. There was significant difference in perioperative fall in haemoglobin. The fall in haemoglobin was less in exteriorization group. P value was < 0.0001. There was no significant difference in the intra-operative and post-operative nausea, vomiting , intraoperative pain, postoperative pain , postoperative analgesic requirement, postoperative febrile morbidity and wound infection between the two groups. Uterine exteriorization is a valuable technique in uterine repair in caesarean section, in terms of better visualization of scar. There was significantly less intraoperative blood loss and less fall in perioperative haemoglobin in exteriorization group. The operating time was also shorter in exteriorization group. Keywords: Uterine repair, exteriorization, caesarean section, in-situ repair.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. K. K. Das, Dr. Javed Ali, Dr. Sourabha N
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