Comparison characteristics of mercazolilum and thyrozol in treatment of patients with diffuse toxic goiter
Journal Title: Ендокринологія - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 2
The aim of the work was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of merkazolilum («Zdorovya» Ukraine) and thyrozol (Takeda) in the treatment of patients with diffuse toxic goiter (DTG). Materials and methods. 59 patients aged 20-73 years (mean age 43.17±1.85), 17 men (28.8%) and 42 women (71.9%) among them were examined in hospital for resolving determined tasks. Graves’ disease of middle severity was diagnosed in all patients. The patients of study groups were matched by the age, sex, thyroid size and duration of thyrotoxicosis. The diagnosis of Graves’ disease was verified on the basis of clinical characteristics, data of anamnesis, clinical examination, hormonal and immunological studies, ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. The observation time from thyrostatic drug prescription consisted of 6 months. Such indices as TSH, fT 4, fT3, TRAbs and thyroid gland ultrasound were monitored during the observation period — in 1, 3, 6 months after the treatment. All patients were treated by thyrostatic drugs (mercazolilum, thyrozol), β-blockers (bisoprolol, metoprolol), sedative means, and potassium drugs. The patients with DTG were divided into two groups by the nature of the conservative treatment: 30 patients who received mercazolilum were included in group 1, 29 patients who were taken thyrozol — in group 2. The daily dose of thyrostatic drugs was 20-30 mg for observed patients of both groups. No relationship between the manifestation of clinical symptoms of thyreotoxicosis, the levels of TSH, free T3, free T4, TRAbs in the peripheral blood and the degree of thyroid increase was revealed as a result of the examination. A decrease in the levels of thyroid hormones and TRAbs was observed in patients of both groups in a month after starting the medicamentous therapy, without a detection of significant differences between these parameters depending on the used thyrostatic drugs (p>0.05). Normalized levels of peripheral hormones such as fT4, fT3 under a low level of TSH were demonstrated in 100% of the subjects in both groups. Similar indices were determined in 3 and 6 months after beginning of thyrostatic therapy in patients of both groups later on. Euthyroid state was achieved in 100% (59 patients) patients of both groups against a background of thyrostatic therapy. No significant side effects (agranulocytosis, toxic hepatitis) were observed in patients of both groups in our case, in six months after treatment of patients with DTG by thyrostatic drugs. Conclusions. No difference in the timing of thyrotoxicosis compensation occurrence was found in patients receiving both mercazolilum and thyrozol. No differences in frequency of principal complications occurrence were also found as a result of medicamentous therapy with thyrostatic drugs. Merkazolilum and thyrozol can be considered equivalent drugs for their efficacy and safety.
Authors and Affiliations
O. V. Rakov
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