Comparison of effectiveness of the acoustic wave therapy and ion cyclotron resonanse in degenerative vertebral freed column disease. Part II

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2014, Vol 14, Issue 4


Many physiotherapy methods are appropriate in spine osteoarthritis treatment, which proves, that there is not an ideal method for all patients. Another new methods in this area are evidences in search of 'personal treatment'. It means personalized treatment. These methods, what is obvious, need to be verified. The aim of the study was to evaluate the utility of the acoustic wave and ion cyclotron resonance, and their combined use in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine.Material and methods. The study group involved 80 patients, both men and women aged 35-75 years (average age 50.6 years) with osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine. Patients were randomly assigned to four treatment groups. K – group treated with simulated acoustic wave and kinesitherapy according to modified Mein's exercises, FA – group treated with acoustic wave and kinesitherapy according to modified Mein's exercises, JCR – group treated with ion cyclotron resonanse and kinesitherapy according to modified Mein's exercises, FA +JRC – group treated with acoustic wave and ion cyclotron resonance. Before and after three weeks of therapy there was an assesment of: the mobility of the spine in the sagittal planein Schober test and the frontal plane in Moll and Wright test.Results. Schober test showed a_similar level of mobility difference before and after treatment for a_ICR group 2.8_cm ±0.84 and thickness. ICR+AW + 2.83_cm ±1.1 at P <0.001. According to group K, 56% percentage changes of improvement gained ICR group, group AW+ICR gained 70% of improvement. In the Moll and Wright test mobility difference in the frontal plane before and after treatment in AW group is 1.15_cm in thickness. ICR 2.47_cm thick. AW+ICR 2.90_cm at p<0.001Conclusions. Ion cyclotron resonance and acoustic wave with ion cyclotron resonance increase the range of motion for osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine.

Authors and Affiliations

Monika Mucha-Janota, Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń, Karolina Sieroń-Stołtny


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How To Cite

Monika Mucha-Janota, Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń, Karolina Sieroń-Stołtny (2014). Comparison of effectiveness of the acoustic wave therapy and ion cyclotron resonanse in degenerative vertebral freed column disease. Part II. Fizjoterapia Polska, 14(4), 6-13.