Comparison of injury rate among members of selected handball teams (men’s Super League and First Division), 2014/2015 season
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2016, Vol 16, Issue 3
Introduction. Sport injury needs to be considered a major issue, both in amateur and competitive circumstances; it often limits athletes’ ability or totally prevents them from performing their professional activities. A number of handball teams in Poland fail to provide adequate medical facilities, which results in the situation where the players’ health is not satisfactorily cared for. Aim. The aim of this paper is to analyse the injury rate among members of selected handball teams from men’s Super League and First Division, 2014/2015 season. The respondents who participated in this study play in 4 different teams, 2 teams are currently in Super League and 2 in the First Division. The data was collected between August and October 2015 and the questions discussed only the sport injuries suffered in the 2014/2015 season. Injury rate coefficient was then calculated, based on the following formula: Number of injuries x 1000 hours / Actual time of injury risk exposure. Results. The highest injury rate coefficient was calculated for Team 1, 7.86. This left the remaining teams behind with the coefficient value of 5.20 for Team 3, 3.93 for Team 4 and only 2.63 for Team 2. Injury rate coefficient calculated for these players who have been subject to screening examination and received a tailored result correction programme was recorded at the level of 2.71, as compared to 7.02 calculated for the players who have not been examined and received correction therapy. In general, handball players experienced injury primarily during the execution of a throw; these incidences amounted to 30.4% of all injuries. Conclusions. Physiotherapist and his involvement in a handball team reduces the risk of sport injuries. Screening examination of musculoskeletal system, as well as tailored result correction programme, significantly reduce the risk of sport injuries. Therefore, technique improving exercise programmes should be created and incorporated into handball training, practising safe, injury risk-free way of executing a throw.
Authors and Affiliations
Szymon Fugiel, Marek Kiljański
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