Comparison of knowledge and attitudes towards the use of scientific research in clinical practice among departmental and charge

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Public Health - Year 2014, Vol 124, Issue 3


Introduction. The awareness of benefits arising from the use of the latest results of scientific research (EBNP – Evidence-Based Nursing Practice) among departmental and charge nurses is a necessary condition to ensure effective and safe health services and nursing care meeting the highest standards of patient care. Aim. The comparison of knowledge of and attitudes towards EBNP among nurses depending on their position. Material and methods. Twenty one departmental nurses (PO) (mean age 50.38 years, min. 37, max. 62, SD=7.35) and 20 Bachelor’s degree students of a bridge programme (SSP) (mean age 43 years, min. 34, max. 55, SD=6.37). Qualitative study and analysis of the results, structured interview, extended focus. Results. PO and SSP were not able to define the acronyms EBM and EBP correctly and did not have detailed knowledge of the criteria for assessment of reliability of scientific literature. A majority of DN was familiar with the available journals for nurses and was aware of benefits resulting from using EBNP. The use of EBNP in everyday clinical practice in SSP group was limited by a lack of time, insufficient knowledge of English and access to the Internet, as well as working at the position that makes taking decisions on developing procedures and standards for nursing care impossible. Conclusions. 1. The level of knowledge about EBNP in both groups was inadequate and needs urgent supplementation of knowledge and skills of nurses with reference to this subject area. 2. The attitudes of nurses towards EBNP were different depending on their work position. Departmental nurses were aware of benefits resulting from using the most recent study results in everyday clinical practice and being up-to-date with medical knowledge. 3. The boundaries limiting the use of EBNP in everyday clinical practice by the study participants were objective and they require system changes with reference to the organization of work and the system of continuing education.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Joanna Gotlib


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  • EP ID EP111186
  • DOI 10.2478/pjph-2014-0031
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How To Cite

Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Joanna Gotlib (2014). Comparison of knowledge and attitudes towards the use of scientific research in clinical practice among departmental and charge. Polish Journal of Public Health, 124(3), 138-144.