Comparison of morphological and kinetic parameters in distinction of benign and malignant breast lesions in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2013, Vol 40, Issue 4
Objective: To evaluate the value of qualitative morphological and kinetic data and quantitative kinetic data in distinction of malignancy in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) of the breast. Methods: DCE-MRIs of 49 subjects were evaluated. Morphological and contrast enhancement parameters of 95 lesions were recorded in these subjects. Post-contrast kinetic behavior of these lesions were also investigated. Among the quantitative parameters, relative enhancements (E1, E2, Epeak), time-to-peak (Tpeak), slope of curve (Slope), signal enhancement ratio (SER), and maximum intensity time ratio (MITR) were calculated. These results were compared with the pathological diagnosis. Results: Spiculated contour (100%), rim enhancement (97.87%), irregular shape (95.74%), and irregular margin (91.49%) were the most specific morphological features of malignancy in mass lesions. In non-mass lesions, focal zone (91.49%) was the most specific feature of malignancy. 74.5% of the benign lesions showed type 1, 77.1% of the malignant lesions showed type 2 and 3 curves according to the kinetic curve evaluation. All quantitative parameters except Epeak were found to be statistically significant in distinction of malignancy. Conclusion: None of the morphological features of the benign lesions were found to be significantly specific. More specific features can be described for malignant lesions. Early behavior of the kinetic curve is not useful for diagnosis of malignancy but the intermediate and late behavior gives useful information. Quantitative data involved in this study might be promising. Key words: Morphological, kinetic, breast lesions, magnetic resonance imaging, dynamic
Authors and Affiliations
Direnç Aksoy, Zeynep Kılıçoğlu, Gökalp Yılmaz, Ercüment Kadıoğlu, Seçil Telli, Mehmet Şimşek
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