Comparison of the Life Satisfaction Level of Recreational Choir Singers and Non-Choir Singers
Journal Title: Akdeniz İnsani Bilimler Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 1
The main aim of this study is to compare the Life Satisfaction (LS) level of Recreational Choir Singers and Non-choir singers and define the effect of motivational factors to be a choir singer, the LS by using the linear regression model of LS and the benefits of participating in a choir as a singer. This research is descriptive research restricted to the choir singers in Antalya city centre. In this study, the questionnaire was handed to all choir singers (n=653) in Antalya and collected within 15 minutes. The questionnaire was designed to address demographic variables, and The Satisfaction with Life Scale-(SWLS) developed by Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin (1985) adapted into Turkish by Köker (1991) and The Motivational Factors Scale of Being Choir Singer (MFSCS) developed by Ardahan (2016) was used. The LS level of non-choir singers was collected through an electronic questionnaire form from social media. As a result of this study it was found that participating in a choir as a choir singer has positive effect on LS. In other words when the LS level of recreational choir singers is compared with non-choir singers, the LS level of the choir singers is higher. In addition to this result, when the LS level of the choir singers is compared, there is no statistically meaningful difference due to marital status, gender, and being a salary earner, but there is a statistically meaningful difference by monthly income, the higher the income, the higher the LS level is. In addition to these, there is a statistically meaningful positive correlation between LS and age. The seven sub dimensions of MFSCS have a positive correlation with LS.
Authors and Affiliations
Faik Ardahan
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