Comparison the Efficacy of Four Different Alpha Blockers in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2011, Vol 2, Issue 2
Aim Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also known as nodular hyperplasia, benign enlargement of the prostate refers to the increase in size of the prostate in middle aged and elderly men. Although four different types of specific alpha blocker have been used in the treatment of BPH it remains controversial that which alpha adrenergic blocker is effective than others. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of 4 different alpha blockers agents on the treatment of BPH. Material and Methods Between June 2005 and December 2008 a total of 135 consecutive patients with diagnosed of BPH were evaluated in our clinic. Patients were randomized into four groups according to alpha blocker types as fallows: group I, doxazosin 4 mg; group II, tamsulosin 0.4 mg; group III, terazosin 5 mg; and group IV, alfuzosin 10 mg. All patients were followed up with International Prostatic Symptom Score (IPSS), maximal urinary flow rates (Qmax) and adverse effects were determined at baseline and again at least 3 months as efficacy parameters. Results The mean age of the patients were 59.8±5.4 years, 58.9±6.4 years, 58.7±5.1 years, and 59.2±5.5 years in group I, group II, group III, and group IV, respectively (p>0.05). Aſter 3 months treatment with alpha blockers the improvements in IPSS were found as 2.73, 3.73, 3.55 and 4.44 in group I, group II, group III, and group IV, respectively. Maximum urine flow rates increased as 2.81 ml/sec, 3.24 ml/sec, 3.88 ml/sec and 4.49 ml/sec in group I, group II, group III, and group IV, respectively. However, among 4 alpha blockers statistically significant difference was found only between doxazosin and alfuzosin groups according to uroflowmetry and IPSS results. According to these results, when compared adverse effect, the significant difference was observed only in tamsulosine group. Conclusions As a result we can say that except retrograde ejaculation in tamsulosine group, adverse effects are not different between the groups. In addition, according to IPSS and uroflowmetry results the only significant difference was found between alfuzosin and doxazosin groups.
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