Competences, Innovations and Internationalization as The Key Development Factors of Network Enterprises
Journal Title: Optimum. Economic Studies - Year 2017, Vol 89, Issue 5
On the basis of the analysis of the subject literature and in particular empirical research the paper presents the analysis of the impact that major changes in the surrounding of enterprises in the form of knowledge-based economy, increase of innovation requirements, including the development of the model of open innovations and globalization have on the formation and development of network enterprises. On the other hand, the analysis regards the impact of network enterprises on the competitiveness of the entities functioning in their frameworks by means of the development of competences, innovativeness and internationalization. The conclusions presented in the elaboration imply that the formation of the structures of network enterprises ought to be viewed as the sign of the adjustment of economic organizations to the changing conditions of the surrounding. The concept of a network enterprise ought to be developed as the new paradigm in management sciences because within its frame¬works it is possible to explain better the main changes related to the functioning of a modern enterprise.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogusław Plawgo, Mariusz Citkowski, Monika Garwolińska
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