Competitivitatea - necesitate în realizarea actului decizional
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2011, Vol 59, Issue 11
Conceptul de competitivitate nu are o defi niţie larg acceptată şi nu a fost încă dezvoltat un model cuprinzător pentru formalizarea conţinutului acesteia. Stadiul actual al cercetărilor în domeniu lasă loc disputelor conceptuale privind competitivitatea. Competitivitatea la nivel naţional se apreciază de majoritatea specialiştilor ca fiind capacitatea unei economii de a asigura populaţiei, pe o bază durabilă, un standard de viaţă ridicat şi în creştere.
Authors and Affiliations
Analysis of State Budget Incomes During the Period 2010 – 2012
The establishment is considering revenues from taxes, fees, contributions and other similar payments collected from third parties. In category revenues meet current revenues (tax and non-tax), capital income and donation...
The European Union Budget – evolution, perspectives
By means of the European Union Budget, the activities that take place between the member states are coordinated every year, the trends of the community politics and their priorities. The annual budgets are parts of the...
Regionalization- an Actual Socio-economic Mega-Trend
Regionalization- an Actual Socio-economic Mega-Trend
Elemente teoretice privind utilizarea modelului econometric de regresie multifactorială
In this paper, the authors present some considerations regarding the use of the multifactorial regression model in the statistical analysis of economical phenomenon. The paper comprises the steps necessary to determine...
Leading and Lagging Indicators Of the Economic Crisis
The issues of business cycles assessment and most of all forecasting turning points represent crucial components in the game of crisis anticipation. The aim of this study is to statistically evaluate the predictive power...