Complementariedad entre generación hidroeléctrica y fotovoltaica . Un breve análisis económico

Journal Title: REVISTA DE ANÁLISIS ECONÓMICO Y FINANCIERO - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 2


Photovoltaic generation, although it has had a favorable development in terms of costs, has the drawback that it only generates electricity during the day. This article shows how photovoltaic energy could be complemented with hydroelectric plants that have water damming.

Authors and Affiliations

Alfredo Juan Carlos Dammert Lira


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How To Cite

Alfredo Juan Carlos Dammert Lira (2019). Complementariedad entre generación hidroeléctrica y fotovoltaica . Un breve análisis económico. REVISTA DE ANÁLISIS ECONÓMICO Y FINANCIERO, 2(2), -.