Complete transpositionof maxillary canine and first premolar – a case report
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2015, Vol 11, Issue 1
Tooth transposition is an uncommon type of ectopy inwhich two adjacent teeth interchange their positions inthe dental arch. The etiology of this rare condition hasnot been explicitly explained to date. It is associatedwith both systemic (genetic, sex-related, systemicconditions) and local factors (other frequentlyconcomitant dental defects). Transposition still representsa dental anomaly that is deemed to be the most difficultto treat. Leaving misaligned teeth untreated leads to theformation of functional and esthetical disturbances. Thatis why case reports which present treatment aimed atthe restoration of the normal alignment and position ofteeth predominate in the literature. Treatment methodplanning should include several factors such as the degreeof treatment difficulty, treatment time, smile esthetics,functionality, stability, patient’s preferences, and thephysician’s experience. This article presents a case reportof clinical management of the most common transpositionof a maxillary left canine and first premolar.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Filipek, Małgorzata Kuc-Michalska
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