Complex analysis of total protein content in bread wheat containing GPC-B1 gene from Triticum turgidum SSP. dicoccoides


Aim. The purpose of our study was to determine the content of total protein in the F5 generation grains, the carriers of the Gpc-B1 gene from Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides by two methods, which in turn would confirm the successful expression of the Gpc-B1 gene in the genetic environment of bread winter wheat. Methods. Determination of protein content was carried out by Kjeldahl method and by infrared spectrometry (NIR) method. Results. The 44 hybrid lines that are homozygous for the Gpc-B1 gene from T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides have been analyzed. It has been established that for both methods, the average content of protein in the grain of hybrid lines is 14 % higher in comparison to the original Kuyalnik variety. Particular attention should be paid to the line number 10, 12 and 35 in which the content of protein exceeds 15 % by the method of Kjeldahl. Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that the gene Gpc-B1 from the wild relative in the new genetic environment of the highly productive registered wheat cultivar Kuyalnik has been functioning and has a positive effect on the accumulation of total protein in grains.Keywords: biоfortification, protein content, Triticum aestivum, Gpc-B1 gene, Kjeldahl and NIR methods.

Authors and Affiliations

S. Yu. Pokhylko, S. V. Schwartau, V. V. Pochynok, L. M. Mykhalska, O. M. Dugan, B. V. Morgun


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  • EP ID EP613285
  • DOI 10.7124/visnyk.utgis.15.1.712
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How To Cite

S. Yu. Pokhylko, S. V. Schwartau, V. V. Pochynok, L. M. Mykhalska, O. M. Dugan, B. V. Morgun (2017). Complex analysis of total protein content in bread wheat containing GPC-B1 gene from Triticum turgidum SSP. dicoccoides. Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 15(1), 52-57.