Complex study of dynamics of automatic pipe-rolling plant
Journal Title: Metallurgical and Mining Industry - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 3
The complex solution of a problem of dynamics for the chosen “working stand - shell - mandrelbar” model of automatic pipe-rolling plant TPA taking into account time-varying of the system mass is considered. The differential equations of the movement for elastic elements of the chosen multi mass model of a working stand and specified differential equations of longitudinal oscillations of a mandrel with a bar taking into account change in time of mechanical system mass of automatic mill TPA are worked out. Results of research of dynamics of interaction of the rolled shell with elements of a working stand of the mill taking into account their elasticity are given. Expressions for the corresponding form of oscillations of deformable elements of a working stand of the automatic mill are obtained. Features of dynamics of the mill working stand elements are revealed. Dynamic functioning of a mandrel with a bar in the deformation zone and elastic system of the mechanism of holding of the mill mandrel are presented taking into account influence of non-stationary forces of technological resistance and variability of inertness of the attached mass of the piercing hollow billet. Nature of behavior of the mandrel holding mechanism is established taking into account change in time of the rolled pipe mass and non-stationary cyclic influence from the deformation zone. The complex analysis of non-stationary oscillations of “shell– mandrel –bar” mechanical system is represented by the coefficient of system dynamism.
Authors and Affiliations
S. R. Rahmanov, D. Yu. Garmashev
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