Compliance-Collection as Modern Direction in Non-Performing Loans Reimbursement.
Journal Title: Економіка і регіон - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 62
The important current issue for banking establishments in Ukraine is loan debt, search of efficient ways for its paying back, improvement of methods and development of measures to reduce loan debt. Nowadays, the qualitative index of banks in banking system of Ukraine is essentially reduced and the part of non-performing loans increases simultaneously. Such dependence causes anxiety either at the level of a separate bank or at the level of banking system. The National Bank of Ukraine regulates and monitors the banking activity on the base of legislative and normative documents which are constantly reviewed and supplemented. However, as the given investigation and the volume of loan debt show that 25.8% is of the total volume of the allowed credit dated by 01/09/2016, we can thoroughly talk about urgent necessity to search new ways to manage banking activity in non-performing loans reimbursement. The statistics of non-performing loans shows that inside-banking collection does not give enough optimistic results of its activity in non-performing loans reimbursement at present time. With ever-increasing frequency, external collectors are used offering their services in credit reimbursement. Exactly at this stage, the questions of legislative base of the process of debt collection, analysis of methods and approaches used by external collectors intensely arise. The direction of activity of collection and compliance has been investigated in the article. The definition of «compliance-collection» has been made on the base of available experiments. The necessity to implement new scientific and methodical approaches into activity of bank establishments and financial institutions in non-performing loans reimbursement has been proved.
Authors and Affiliations
Tetyana Bolgar
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