Complications of diverticular disease of the colon
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2014, Vol 27, Issue 1
Knowledge of the epidemiology and treatment of diverticular disease courses, its complications is constantly changing. Despite the passage of more than 60 years after the first application of Hartmann’s operation for the treatment of diverticulitis, there are still no standards for surgical and conservative treatment of diverticular disease. Based on recent bibliography, there is presented which “trends” prevail in the proceedings, the methods of diagnosis, new classifications and medications. The efficacy of 5-ASA analogs for secondary prevention (e.g. PREVENT II) and their attempt to assess their efficacy and safety in the treatment of diverticulitis (DIVA trial) is still under consideration. Recent years showed the rapid development of minimally invasive techniques and what that entails greater share of laparoscopy in the treatment of diverticular disease and its complications. At the same time elective surgery, when the only indication was the number of previous episodes of diverticulitis, is slowly withdrawn. The articles, which appeared in the last decade, raises a request for a gradual evolution towards the conduct of conservative treatment of diverticular disease.
Authors and Affiliations
Wiesław Tarnowski, Paweł Jaworski
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