Components and priorities of sustainable development of the agrarian sector of the economy: conceptual and theoretical discourse

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue


The purpose of the article is to deepen the scientific and methodological provisions and develop practical recommendations for sustainable development of the agrarian sector of the national economy. Research methodology. In the research process have been used the following scientific methods: economic-statistical, sociological research, economic-mathematical modeling and comparative analysis. Research results. The theoretical and methodological principles of the sustainable development concept have been systematized taking into account the peculiarities of its sectoral implementation. The methodical approach to assessing the sustainability of the agrarian sector through the calculation of the integral indicator has been improved, which allowed determining the level of the individual components of sustainable development and the degree of their harmonization in dynamics, as well as construction of the rating of Ukrainian regions according to the sustainability parameter. The expansion of the boundaries and principles of public-private partnership in the sector has been proposed. The priority directions of the strategy of implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the agrarian sector, which cover a set of factors and a sequence of stages of practical implementation, have been substantiated in order to achieve the stated strategic guidelines. Elements of scientific novelty. The methodical approach to assessing the sustainability of the agrarian sector development through the calculation of the integral indicator has been improved. This allowed defining the conceptual foundations for harmonization of the components of sustainable development of the national economy agrarian sector by working out the imperatives for constructing a strategy for the inclusive development of the agrarian sector in the theoretical and practical context. Practical significance. Proposals on increasing the sustainability of agrarian sector development that can be used in elaboration of programs, measures, directions of national, regional and local agrarian growth have been presented. Tabl.: 1. Refs.: 19.

Authors and Affiliations

Yurii Lopatynskyi, Oksana Burynska


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How To Cite

Yurii Lopatynskyi, Oksana Burynska (2018). Components and priorities of sustainable development of the agrarian sector of the economy: conceptual and theoretical discourse. Економіка АПК, 6(), 94-102.