Compound (External) Dislocation of Testis: An Unusual Case
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 2
ABSTRACT Blunt testicular injury is a common entity. They usually lead to scrotal haematoma or contusion. Here we report an unusual case of compound dislocation of testis following blunt trauma to scrotum. A 40-year-old male presented to surgical casualty with history of blunt injury to scrotum following a road traffic accident. On examination, the left testis along with epididymis and distal spermatic cord was found prolapsing outside through a 1 cm wound in the lateral aspect of the root of left scrotum. The scrotal skin and the testis were found normal and viable. The patient underwent scrotal exploration and repositioning with orchidopexy. The mechanism of this injury in this case is unique because a blunt injury has caused separation of the testis from the scrotal thereby causing external dislocation of testis.
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