Comprehensive proposals in the dialect of Azerbaijani language of Agbab area of West Azerbaijan


Complex sentence models in Agbaba slang of Western Europe are drawn to research in this article. Concert samples of complex and compound types of composite sentence with sentences models which use in Agbaba villages (Amasiya region) are shown. Distinguishing teatures of composite sentence types. With conjunction or without conjunctions and intonation are studied. Meaning connections of compound composite sentences (time, sequence, cause, result, contrast, distribution) principal and subordinate sentence forming complex composite sentence (subject, predicate, object, attribute, adverb, equivalent-concession) are explained and commented with sentence models.

Authors and Affiliations

А. А. Байрамова


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How To Cite

А. А. Байрамова (2018). Comprehensive proposals in the dialect of Azerbaijani language of Agbab area of West Azerbaijan. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія», 32(1), 138-140.