Concentration of mining and metallurgical industry in the Dnipro region of Ukraine in 1900−1917


The process of production concentration of the mining and metallurgical branches of industry in the Dnipro region at the beginning of the 20th century (1900 – 1917) is analyzed. The specific features of the process development in the Dnipro region of the Russian empire are characterized. The policy of the tsarist government and mining and metallurgical businessmen concerning the process of concentration is regarded. Difficult social-political and economic situation in the Russian empire and in the world at the beginning of the 20th century, undoubtedly, influenced upon the development of the mining and metallurgical branches of industry in the Dnipro region of Ukraine. The world industrial-economic crisis hampered the development of the mining and metallurgical branches of industry. At the same time the process of industry concentration occurred and syndicates were created. Industrial and bank capitals were united. After the world economic crisis, the Russian-Japanese war, revolutionary events of 1905–1907, there was the rise in the development of the mining and metallurgical branches of industry. New plants were built and the production increased. The First World War and revolutionary events of 1917 occurred and new problems in the mining and metallurgical branches appeared. Despite the difficult economic and political situation in the region at the beginning of the 20 th century the mining and metallurgical branches of industry of the Dnipro region of Ukraine developed more rapidly and left the branches in other regions of the Russian empire behind.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrii Peretokin


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  • EP ID EP196295
  • DOI 10.15421/261606
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How To Cite

Andrii Peretokin (2016). Concentration of mining and metallurgical industry in the Dnipro region of Ukraine in 1900−1917. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 24(1), 43-51.