
The article continues the series of author’s scientific insights into the problem of conceptual reconstruction of the picture of the world presented in the channelings of different multidimensional entities. It analyzes the lingual presentation peculiarities of concept EVIL in the channeling-discourses of Seth and Kryon. Concept EVIL is described as having different logical understanding in different cultures but equally meaningful for every of the existing cultures as it belongs to the basic concepts of the mental sphere and enters the systems of other concepts of moral, philosophical, theological and scientific essence. The concept is viewed as a unit of mental lexicon coded in language. On the material of channelings there have been singled out the peculiarities of one of the basic concepts of human civilization – concept EVIL – and its linguistic representation in the texts as well as the shifts occurring within the semantic structure of the concept under analysis. The article provides the evidence of the semantic content broadening of the concept through both the inclusion of new elements and the additional characteristics of the existing ones. Analyzing and systematizing the examples from the text, the article speculates upon the origin and essence of evil as presented in the channelings as well as drives the conclusion that ontologically evil is ascribed to human being and the features of human consciousness to support the human dual perception of the world by “coining” the oppositions: in this very instance – the opposition of good–evil. The role of the above-mentioned concept in the modeling of the cognitive and evaluative pictures of the addressers’ worlds is also in the focus of the article.

Authors and Affiliations

T. V Petryk


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How To Cite

T. V Petryk (2018). CONCEPT “EVIL” IN CHANNELING-DISCOURSE. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 9(), 151-154.