Concept of Rasayana and Ayurvedic Drugs


Ayurveda is the life science and an ancient system of medicine. The main purpose of it is to maintain the health of healthy individuals and cure the disease of diseased one. To fulfil both these purpose bheshaja is mainly divided in two types. To maintain the health of healthy person Swasthasyorjaskara Bheshaja is given which includes Rasayana and Vajikarana a chikistha and to cure the disease of sick person Artasya roganuta bheshaja is given which include the other disease and its treatment. A disease produced due to specific infectious agent or its toxic products, capable of being directly or indirectly spread from man to man, animal to animal or environment to man or animals. Ayurveda has described a larger number of Rasayana, which can provide protection against toxic substances and diseases. They promote physical health, improve the status of the Dhatu tissue , confer immunity and rejuvenate the system. Concept of Naimittika rasayana is a unique concept in Ayurveda, proved for its beneficial role in the patients suffering from communicable disease in promoting vitality, and ability to withstand the devastating effects of these diseases. This concept brings a new dimension into the health care, and promotes an integrated approach between different modalities in the field of public health. The paper will discuss about the approach in the management of communicable disease through rasayana therapy with appropriate examples. Prabhakar H Kannalli | Shankaragowda "Concept of Rasayana and Ayurvedic Drugs" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, URL: Paper URL :

Authors and Affiliations

Prabhakar H Kannalli | Shankaragowda


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Prabhakar H Kannalli (2020). Concept of Rasayana and Ayurvedic Drugs. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(1), -.