Conceptual approaches to the functioning of the automated land monitoring system
Journal Title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" - Year 2020, Vol 2, Issue 11
The goals and objectives of land monitoring and quality control are substantiated soils, including monitoring the economic and legal status of lands, their circulation and quality of soils, assessment and forecast of changes to ensure the organs public administration and local government relevant information for development of proposals and implementation of measures to prevent negative phenomena and trends in land use. The need to introduce a land monitoring system is due to: systematic deterioration of the quantitative accounting of lands, the actual lack of accounting quality of land, the requirements for the development of market land relations. The necessity of taking into account the principles and standards of the national is substantiated geospatial data infrastructure. The directions in which the results are formed are formed land monitoring can be used to regulate land relations and making management decisions regarding land use and the formation of turnover land plots. Among the key issues to consider when creating a system land monitoring, identified: the need for information technology, list of monitoring objects; attribute data of monitoring objects; unified standards and data formats; credibility and updating tools data, including by detecting anomalies and correcting errors in the data; mechanisms of information interaction between all participants of the monitoring process.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. Dorosh, S. Ibatullin, A. Tarnopolskyi
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