Conceptual Complexity and its Effects on Practice: National Identity and Citizenship
Journal Title: Język - Szkoła - Religia - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 4
Nationalism, as a crucial problem, occupies the centre of the political agenda all over the world. Since misuse of the concepts causes problematic applications and controversies in theory and practice, definitions and explanations of the concepts must be expounded clearly, as far as possible, to discuss the nationalism issue in a philosophical way. Using the concepts of “national identity” and “citizenship” synonymously is one of the important example for this kind of controversies. In this study, the “national identity” concept as a central narrative in nationalism discourse and the relationship between this discourse and the citizenship notion, are discussed. In this context, it is argued that even though the citizenship and the national identity concepts are not identical, in nationalist discourse they usually substitute each other. In order to exemplify how the nationalism discourse forms the citizenship practice and how the concept of “national identity” substitute for citizenship notion, the nationalism discourse and its “favourite” enemy “Jews” in Turkey, are examined.
Authors and Affiliations
Özgür Ucar
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