Conceptual framework for the assessment of the nutritional and biological value of the plant Galega orientalis (LAM)


Conducted a comprehensive comparative study of the nutritional and biological value Galega orientalis (Lam): the solubility of the protein in vitro – Galega’s seeds, leaves, hay, which was harvested in the phase of budding – beginning of flowering. It is believed to be the essential influence of feed type on the solubility of the protein. According to the conducted studies it has revealed that the solubility of the feed protein is in the range from 37.0% to 50.0%. The rate of solubility of Galega orientalis (Lam) seed protein is 50.0%, litestock – 40.0%, and hay – 37.0% from its total. The research results indicate that the protein of Galega orientalis (Lam) refers to the feed with the average level of solubility. It has researched qualitative assessment of the biologically active substances content in organs of Galega orientalis’ (Lam) plants. It has identified the highest content of flavonoids and saponins in rosette leaves and ascorbic acid in the organs of plants and petals. There is the high content of tannins found in the petals of Galega orientalis (Lam). There is a high content of coumarins and water-soluble polysaccharides in the roots of the studied plants. Phytochemical studies of the plant Galega orientalis (Lam) indicates the absence in it of cardiac glycosides and antrahlikozydiv. It was first conducted testing on antimicrobial activity of a plant Galega orientalis (Lam) on the growth pure cultural of bacteria gram positive (Micrococcus luteus), gram negative (Escherichia coli XL1, DH5) and yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303). The material for the study was dried vegetative mass Galega orientalis (Lam) in the phase of budding and early flowering. As a result of the experiment was revealed that 20% concentration of aqueous extract of this plant had inhibitory effects on the growth of pure cultures of bacteria and yeast. It has grounded reasonably possible relationship between the antimicrobial activity of the extract of this plant and the lack of bloating in cows. It has outlined prospects of further researches of this problem.

Authors and Affiliations

L. M. Darmohray, G. M. Sedilo, B. V. Gutyj


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  • EP ID EP235479
  • DOI 10.15421/nvlvet7902
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How To Cite

L. M. Darmohray, G. M. Sedilo, B. V. Gutyj (2017). Conceptual framework for the assessment of the nutritional and biological value of the plant Galega orientalis (LAM). Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького, 19(79), 9-12.