Conceptual study of Shukra Dhatu mala in relation to Mukhadushika


Introductin: Healthy state of life along with healthy, clear and beautiful skin is the wish of every one. Beautiful and clear skin is the concern of females as well as males. Mukhadhushika (acne) is a major factor which affects the aforesaid things by causing depression, low self esteem, social avoidance or withdrawal. There are several reasons causing Mukhadhushika (acne). Few of them are Dandruff, Cosmetics, Rasa dushti, Rakta dusti and Mala avstambh(constipation). In Ayurveda, concept of Sapta Dhatu and its mala has been explained. Prasad (nourishing material) and kitta(waste product), these two categories of products arise out of paka (metamorphosis) of the dhatus .Shukra is the 7th and the final dhatu in the dhatu formation cycle which is considered as the Sara (essence) of all other tissue elements. The specific function of Shukra is garbhotpadana (reproduction–fertilisation). In Ayurveda, Acharya Sharangdhara has explained that Shukra dhatu mala is the reason behind Mukhdushika (acne).1 Individuals with Mukhdushika are treated keeping various factors in mind and sometimes results are not that satisfying. What if the cause of Mukhadushika is dushti in shukra dhatu which leads to more formation of shukra mala. so,any deformity in shukra dhatu can lead to increased shukra mala resulting in Mukhadushika. Also, Mukhadhushika is commonly observed with Shukra Abhivyakti and Rajodarshan kala (Menstrual Cycle) in females. And it is virtually universal in adolescents. Therefore there must be a relation of Shukra dhatu and Mukhadhushika. Below are the two factors showing the relation of shukra mala and Mukhdushika.1) Shukra can be directly related to Mukhadushika i.e. over indulgence in sexual thoughts indicates shukra Vrudhhi leading to produce more mala causing Mukhadushika. As said, When shukra is increased in body, it results in shukrashmari, increased production and discharge of shukra2, stri kamata (increased libido).3 2) Intake of causative factors of Shukra dhatu. Conclusion: The ancient Ayurvedic literature described the one more reason of Mukhadushika. So, Shukra dhatu mala can also cause the Mukhdushika which should be kept in mind while treating Mukhadushika. In addition, future research could evaluate the effect of shukra shodhan Gana on Mukhadushika.

Authors and Affiliations

Neha Yashpal Singh Mahar, Shital R Rasane


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Neha Yashpal Singh Mahar, Shital R Rasane (2017). Conceptual study of Shukra Dhatu mala in relation to Mukhadushika. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 21(3), 206-209.