Conceptualization of social engineering in the industrial paradigms and mass media practices
Journal Title: Діалог: медіа-студії - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 23
The article analyzes the history of the concepts of social engineer and social engineering in the context of developing industrial society. The research draws upon primary sources of The New York Times archive which dates back to the late ХІХ – early ХХ century. This research allowed to identify communication strategies to promote the new intellectual project among general public. The article also introduces some new for the national science facts and personalities that were at the dawn of social engineering and enabled it to transform into the new professional field and methodology. Scientific status of social engineering is one of the controversial and unsolved problems of socio-humanistic knowledge. Recent research in the field of communication science reflects the importance of this phenomenon for mass media and political discourses. The theory of social / communication engineering has become extremely popular in native science since the research findings by G. Pocheptsov were published. Most studies use the concepts of social engineering rather as an apt metaphor than a definition which is scientifically grounded in the context of communication. Yet, this term has its own rich, if not to say extraordinary history which can be divided into stages of industrial, sociological and politological use. The concept of social engineering has always possessed a unique ability to adapt to any professional sphere of human activity. It has become an interdisciplinary category which defines technological and scientific parameters of constructing real and virtual realities. Research in the history of social engineering will contribute to the formation of objective and integral presentation of its scientific genesis. Moreover, it will also eliminate false and biased perception of it as a way of introducing strictly standardized social model or ‘the art of human hacking’. The purpose of this study is to explore historic background of social engineering that is seen as a specific social practice of managing industrial objects as well as to identify communication techniques of promoting the new intellectual project of the early XX century. This has been done by analyzing the facts of the world social engineering practice which were unknown to the native science up to now. The author also introduces archival sources of The New York Times and the Dutch magazine De Fabrieksbode from the late XIX – early XX century as media versions of the essence of social engineering.
Authors and Affiliations
Iryna Bondarenko
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