Concomitant Fracture Neck Femur And Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis In A Child With Osteopetrosis - A Rare Case Report


The osteopetrosis is uncommon and debilitating disorder and clinical profile range from fatality to normal life span with morbidity. The dense and sclerosed bones are fractured especially at areas of higher stress concentration like proximal femur. The neck femur fracture is uncommon association reported in few studies. Concomitant, ipsilateral slipped capital femoral epiphysis in the presence of fracture neck femur in such patients is a rare feature and we report a 12 year old male child with this association. The child, however, did not live longer to evaluate and manage him to a longer follow up.

Authors and Affiliations

Ganesh Singh Dharmashaktu, Anshuman Vijay Roy


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How To Cite

Ganesh Singh Dharmashaktu, Anshuman Vijay Roy (2016). Concomitant Fracture Neck Femur And Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis In A Child With Osteopetrosis - A Rare Case Report. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences, 2(2), 401-403.