Condition of population of the estuarine perch Sander marinus (Cuvier, 1828) (Perciformes, Pisces) in the waters of Ukraine


The paper presents a retrospective analysis of the data on the distribution of the sea zander Sander marinus (Cuvier, 1828) in the waters of Ukraine over the past 100 years. It describes the reduction of the habitat of this species over this period of time. It shows that over the past 20-25 years the habitat of the species under study in the Western part of the Dnieper estuary has almost halved, and in the last 3 years this trend has been progressing. It establishes that at present the main habitat of the sea zander within the waters of Ukraine is the North-Western part of the Dnieper estuary and the mouth of the Bug estuary, where over the past three years it has been less common, and its number keeps on decreasing. The secondary habitats of this species are the South-Western part of the Dnieper estuary and the lower reaches of the Southern Bug. In 1995 and 1998 it was spotted in the Gulf of Tendra in the waters of the Black Sea biosphere reserve of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. A well-argued assumption is made that the references to the habitation of S. marinus in the Dniester estuary in the past are erroneous. A comparative analysis of the morphometric characters of the sea zander from the Dnieper-Bug estuary over the past 90 years has been carried out. It shows that there were no noticeable deviations in the morphometric characters of the S. marinus specimens caught in the Dnieper-Bug estuary in 2016 and 2017. It is noted that over the same years large and adult S. marinus specimens began to be spotted there less often, and young and small ones - more often.The results of the research suggest that S. marinus lives in the Dnieper-Bug estuary, but it is rarely identified in the analysis of commercial catches. It is stated that this species is an endangered species of Ukraine's fauna and further actions for its protection and detailed research of its population’s current state are required in addition to its placement in the Red Book of Ukraine and prohibition on its fishing. It is argued that the instances of catching mature S. marinus males and females in 2016 and 2017 primarily prove the fact that this species is found annually, the population of this species is still preserved in the Dnieper-Bug estuary, and it is able to reproduce itself independently. An assumption is made about the prospects of preserving its population.

Authors and Affiliations

P. V. Tkachenko


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  • EP ID EP522650
  • DOI 10.31861/biosystems2018.02.159
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How To Cite

P. V. Tkachenko (2018). Condition of population of the estuarine perch Sander marinus (Cuvier, 1828) (Perciformes, Pisces) in the waters of Ukraine. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 10(2), 159-168.