Conditions Fostering Undertaking the Effort of Self-upbringing


The self-upbringing that appears to be a men’s conscious and active attitude to the process of their own development assumes undertaking the human being’s free and own activity. However, it is not the process that runs self-independently as it is determined by the coincidence of concrete factors and circumstances. Hence, it seems necessary to search for conditions that will foster self-upbringing. This attempt is reflected in an article which presents three domains that can motivate a young person to make this effort. The creators of these domains should comprise a form teacher/parent/teacher. It is worth noticing that building up the appropriate circumstances that make self-upbringing effective is aligned with preparing young people for activities which are to be taken up and which result from further phases of the self-upbringing process. The first of these domains means the true educational dialogue that is the reciprocal openness of upbringing subjects. It allows the pupil to benefit from the form teacher’s experience, particularly considering his/her life example to follow. Meeting and engaging in dialogue with such kind of teacher can motivate the pupil to undertake self-upbringing. The second domain concerns the help that is given to the pupil in order to create the portrait of the self built with the processes of self-observation, self-ana­lysis, self-assessment, and self-control. Role of the form teacher is to facilitate the pupil to obtain the self-knowledge of features, psychic virtues, attitudes, and behavior and alike, and to engage in deeper self-reflection in the perspective of achieved results and intents. The article indicates the necessity of using leisure in upbringing activities, seen here as a life sphere in which man freely undertakes activity which often deepens and masters chores, revealing their own points of views, interests and desires, abilities and talents. Discovering one’s own possibilities would be a good opportunity for the pupil to know themselves, develop their own initiatives, and understand the necessity of self-upbringing and the stimuli which foster it.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Miśkowiec


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  • EP ID EP253565
  • DOI 10.12775/SPI.2017.2.008
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How To Cite

Ewa Miśkowiec (2017). Conditions Fostering Undertaking the Effort of Self-upbringing. Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie, 20(2), 169-182.