Conflicts of Right which Appear over the Marginalisation of the Pious Muslims in Turkey
Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 1
In this study, violations of right which reverberate to the pious muslims over the newlyacquired habits in Turkish with the motive of philosophical detection in the form of determining and managing the world perception of the language and its determining the existence in the world are being investigated. In the study where historical and political backgrounds, besides academic and scientific perceptions, are handled, some sample texts are being exposed to deconstruction and the subconscious of the perceptions around the concept of "pious muslim" is explored. The type of human which is implied by the concept of "pious muslim" in the new Turkish culture as the whole of each event about the language doesn't have enough right for living, as opposed to popular belief. The basic argument is that a pious person can't produce a normal perception even for himself/ herself without marginalised elements within the pious muslim identity. This is a kind of psycho-theological trauma and needs a deep examination. With this aspect, this study also deconstructs the concept of "pious muslim" and then evaluates the conditions of what are considered as its principals.
Authors and Affiliations
Muhammed ÖZDEMİR
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