Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2007, Vol 17, Issue 40
[b]Introduction. [/b]First part of the study deals with a research of male subjects and includes presentation of main goals as well as description of used methods. That is why in this part only completion of the literature by some foreign eferences is done. [b]The purpose of the work. [/b]To get information on strength-speed trials performed by women.[b]Material and methods. [/b]Subjects were the body build data and the results of some motor trials of 79 women, the first year students of University of Physical Education in Wrocław. All measurements and also forms of indices were curried out according to the description given in first part of the study.[b]Results. [/b]The obtained results were presented in 7 tables, form of them being equivalent to respective ones in previous part. Very high variability of one-hand throws results suggests the existence of certain anatomical limitations in such type of throws in women. It was concluded, on the basis of average values of correlation coefficients, that the backward throws of 3 kg and 2 kg balls are the most representative. Additionally it was confirmed by the relationships of all 12 throws with products of trial results performed with use of the same weight equipment. Jumps occurred to be connected with somatic factors only to small extend, while throws are determined by the body mass, which influence on weight-height indices decreases with increasing of the body height power degree. Close connections between both jumps and backward throws of balls are caused by an engagement of the same muscle groups. Mathematical transformations of Sargent index and spurt strength don’t give the good results in each variant, so application of certain version must be adjusted to the specific research needs.[b]Conclusions. [/b]The conclusions formulated in first part were confirmed but one, namely an evaluation of the throw positions. For women the most recommended positions are backward throws of 2 kg and 3 kg balls and, not much different in that context, forward throws.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Haleczko , Leszek Korzewa , Ewa Misiołek , Urszula Włodarczyk
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