Conotații juridico-penale privind piramidele financiare

Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 197


The practice of a financial pyramid it’s one of the examples of an activity that falls under the incident of art.2411 PC RM. This criminal component was introduced on 08 June of 2012 be the Law 128 for completion of some legislation, in order to improve the legal framework, as a result of the latest criminal. The financial pyramids represent a vice that puts under threat the economical security of the country, so the correct interpretation of art.2411 PC RM it has a substantial relevance for the establishment of some mechanisms to counter pyramidal scheme’s and to sanction the criminals. True light of criminal practice, the topic has an international notoriety, knowing about over 2000 cases of organization and practice of the activity true which are recruited new members, savers, with the promise of subsequent remuneration, if those at their thorn will recruit other persons. As the conclusion the practical point is that the social-economic impact of such an activity imposes the legislator to create a efficient legal basis, and the practitioners to apply correctly the legal norm.

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How To Cite

(2017). Conotații juridico-penale privind piramidele financiare. Revista Națională de Drept, 3(197), 72-76.