Considerații preliminare referitoare la descoperirile getice din stațiunea de la Gănești – Tironu (comuna Ion Neculce, jud. Iași)

Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2017, Vol 40, Issue 1


The present paper aims to bring into discussion a series of unpublished archaeological materials, found as a result of numerous field surveys carried out over several years in the site of Gănești – Tironu. Of the discovered material, the largest part is represented by pottery. Most of it is handmade, only a few shards belong to wheel made forms. The vessels are specific to the Getae pottery of the 4th - 3rd centuries BC. It is interesting to note the presence of a few fragments of Poienești - Lukasevka type pottery, related with the historical Bastarnae, and dated from the end of the 3rd century BC. The Hellenistic imports are almost completely absent. Of special interest among the finds is a clay anthropomorphic figurine. These kinds of figurines are well attested in the East-Carpathian territories at the end of the Early Iron Age and the beginning of the Late. They were used most likely in various magical rituals. Despite the shortcomings of analyzing field survey materials, we may still get an interesting glimpse on the life of the rural Getic communities living in the woodlands of the Moldavian Plateau.

Authors and Affiliations

Alexandru Berzovan, Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin Enea


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How To Cite

Alexandru Berzovan, Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin Enea (2017). Considerații preliminare referitoare la descoperirile getice din stațiunea de la Gănești – Tironu (comuna Ion Neculce, jud. Iași). Arheologia Moldovei, 40(1), 169-196.