Consistency of Interest and Perseverance of Effort in Pharmacy Students During Online Learning


Online learning has a serious impact on the world of education. Students' learning motivation decreases is one of the effects. This study aims to examine how the conditions of the two dimensions of Grit, namely Consistency of Interest and Perseverance of Effort in students during online learning. This research is quantitative descriptive research. A total of 754 students consisting of 176 males and 578 females, participated in this study. The GRIT-S scale is given online using the help of a google form. The results of this study indicate that the average dimension of Perseverance of Effort is higher than Consistency of Interest. In addition to the grit level categorization on the Consistency of Interest Dimension, moderate-level participants dominate this study. Meanwhile, the Low level on the Consistency of Interest dimension is higher than the participants at the high level. This shows that participants tend to have lower Consistency of Interest during a pandemic. On the Perseverance of Effort dimension, moderate level participants also dominate this study. However, on the Perseverance of Effort dimension, the High level of the Perseverance of Effort dimension is more than that of the Low level of participants. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

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  • EP ID EP706282
  • DOI 10.47191/ijmra/v5-i4-13
  • Views 120
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How To Cite

Herdian, (2022). Consistency of Interest and Perseverance of Effort in Pharmacy Students During Online Learning. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 5(04), -.