Consistency of symptomatic dimensions of schizophrenia in a 12 year follow up study
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2010, Vol 44, Issue 2
Aim. Objectives were to identify syndromes measured by BPRS – E scale and to analyse changes in syndromes’ consistency in the course of a 12 year prospective study. Method. A group of 80 patients with diagnosis of schizophrenia was followed up in 1, 3, 7 and 12 years after their first psychiatric hospitalisation. Their psychopathological status was investigated with BPRS – E scale. Result. Four syndromes were found: positive, negative, depressive and excitement. However, in the following time points, consistency of syndromes was different. The most consistent syndrome was the negative one. Of ten symptoms connected with this syndrome four, namely: motor retardation, blunted affect, uncooperativeness, emotional withdrawal were present in every follow–up within this syndrome. In the case of the excitement syndrome two symptoms (hostility and tension) were present in all follow–ups. None of the symptoms included in the depressive and positive syndromes were consistently present within these syndromes over the period of twelve years.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Cechnicki, Łukasz Cichocki, Joanna Franczyk-Glita
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