Constipation in the elderly – diagnostic and therapeutic differences
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 5
Constipation perceivable as a stool frequency lower than typical for a given population and/or disordered strained defecation occurs in any age, but its prevalence in older persons (> 65 years) is five times more than in younger people and it may even refers to a half of care house residents. In diagnosing constipation the Rome III criteria for functional constipation may be used. Secondary constipation (iatrogenic and non-iatrogenic) occurs more frequently in older than in younger people. Primary constipation in older persons mostly goes with a normal colon transit, a slow transit constipation and disordered defecation occur unfrequently. A defecation may be disordered functionally or anatomically due to a significant prolapse of the posterior vaginal wall with the anterior wall of the rectum (rectocele) or rectal prolapse. In a case of chronic constipation without alarm symptoms diagnosing consists of a medical history taking with regard to coexistent diseases and taken medications, a complete physical examination with a thorough assessment of an abdomen and perineum in rest and strain conditions, digital rectal examination and performing essential morphological and biochemical blood analysis. Colonoscopy is indicated in patients who present with alarm symptoms. A low transit constipation and disordered defecation need special diagnostic tests to assess colonic transit time and pelvic floor function. A management of constipation in older people depends on a diet modification and change in a mode of defecation, treatment with stool softeners, osmotic and stimulant laxatives, separately or in combination, treatment with 5HT4 receptor agonist, sometimes on making enemas. When choosing laxatives adverse events and interactions with other drugs must be taken into account (there is frequently a polypragmasy in this population). There are also presented here complications of constipation in older persons, including faecal impaction in the rectum and/or colon.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Sikorski
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