Constitutional foundations of state power in Ukraine.


The article analyzes the correlation of the concepts «grounds», «principles», «foundations» in the context of the determinationof the constitutional foundations of state power in Ukraine. The author proposes a method of solving one of the urgent problems of functioning of the state mechanism and the state power in Ukraine by clarifying the content of the concept «government form « and its definition in the Basic Law of Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Z. S. Kravtsova


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  • EP ID EP459579
  • DOI 10.32886/instzak.2018.03.03
  • Views 77
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How To Cite

Z. S. Kravtsova (2018). Constitutional foundations of state power in Ukraine.. Наукові записки Інституту законодавства Верховної Ради України, 1(3), 22-29.