Constitutional justice and constitutional transformations in Ukraine
Journal Title: Український часопис конституційного права - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
The article discloses the content of the modern stage of constitutional transformations in Ukraine and determines the special place of constitutional justice in the process. It is proven that the institute of constitutional justice is a universal phenomenon relating to the processes of constitutional transformations. This is substantiated by the fact that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, being the only body of constitutional jurisdiction: guarantees the supremacy of the Constitution and secures constitutional legitimacy on the basis of the rule of law principle which is important for the development of regulatory basis for contemporary transformations in the state and society; doing interpretation activities it improves the legal grounds for the functioning of public authorities, the system and organization of activities of which need to be improved in the context of the modern stage of constitutional transformations; via performance of its authorities it promotes establishment of the constitutional law and order, which is the necessary pre-condition for constitutional transformations; it occupies a special place in the mechanism of protection of rights and freedoms of humans and citizens, which fact is of importance for making contemporary constitutional transformations in Ukraine efficient.
Authors and Affiliations
Анжеліка Крусян
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Constitutional justice and constitutional transformations in Ukraine
The article discloses the content of the modern stage of constitutional transformations in Ukraine and determines the special place of constitutional justice in the process. It is proven that the institute of constitutio...
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