Constitutional responsibility of the President of Slovenia

Journal Title: Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis - Year 2016, Vol 17, Issue


The subject matter of the article are issues related to the enforcement of constitutional responsibility of the President of Slovenia. In Poland, the body authorized to conduct proceedings on the constitutional responsibility of the President is a special court, namely the State Tribunal. The Slovenian legislator introduced a different model for the institution. The legislature chose the Constitutional Court as the body competent to conduct proceedings relating to the President’s constitutional liability. Just like the Polish solutions concerning that institution, also Slovenian regulations have drawbacks. In my article, I try to depict the consecutive stages of the procedure concerning the constitutional responsibility of the President of Slovenia, the proceedings in the parliament and before the Constitutional Court. In the end, I present conclusions from the analysis of the collected material.

Authors and Affiliations

Sabina Grabowska


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How To Cite

Sabina Grabowska (2016). Constitutional responsibility of the President of Slovenia. Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis, 17(), 71-81.