Construction and validation of the Polish version of The Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire
Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2014, Vol 169, Issue 2
A growing body of research has examined intrusive and relatively uncontrollable thought processes, and two distinct and relatively independent lines of research have emerged. One research line has focused on the investigation of worry and the thought process implicated in the development, while the other research line has concentrated on the study of rumination and the thought processes associated with increased duration and severity of major depressive disorder. These achievements were the base for constructing The Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire RRQ. In this study the English version of 13-item were used to develop the Polish adaptation. The psychometric properties of the Polish version RRQ were assessed in a sample of 300 adults (20–50 years old). Construct validity was examined with reliability analysis of consistency (Alfa-Cronbach, confirmatory factor analyses, stability) and accuracy (by relating the KRR to others measures of personality disorders, mindfulness and mysticism). The results confirmed validity of KRR (consistency and accuracy) as well as usefulness of considerations based on new theoretical suggestions in psychology (two-dimensional model of rumination).
Authors and Affiliations
Stanisław Radoń
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