The reflection, amplification and absorption of plane electro-elastic shear wave from the boundary of
piezoelectric rhombic crystal of 222 class and semiconductor in the absence of acoustic contact is considered. The
L. G. Petrosyan (1988). Contact problem for rigid punch on elastic foundation.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 41(3),
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On the problem of the aerodynamic trail behid the plate.
Prolonged shearing resistance of overconsolidated clay.
Amplification and absorption of acousto-electric waves in the system of piezoelectric rhombic crystal of 222 class and semiconductor
The reflection, amplification and absorption of plane electro-elastic shear wave from the boundary of piezoelectric rhombic crystal of 222 class and semiconductor in the absence of acoustic contact is considered. The wav...
Calculation of a hollow ball made of heteromodulus material.
Waves excitation by a vibrating punch in an anisotropic layer.