This paper is an attempt to assess selected aspects of the state of foundation law in Poland in relation to the legal position that the Constitution of the Republic of Poland has granted them. The text analyses selected...
The article contents the origins of the entries in the land registers and their evolution especially after Poland regained its independence. In this regard it is necessary to determine the features of entries in the land...
The article briefly presents Prof. Eugeniusz Waśkowski’s legal concepts of civil proceedings. It focuses on main principles. Then the Author demonstrates the influense of Waśkowski concepts on Lithuanian civil procedure...
Spis tresci/ Contents
On Selected Issues Concerning Foundation Law in Poland
This paper is an attempt to assess selected aspects of the state of foundation law in Poland in relation to the legal position that the Constitution of the Republic of Poland has granted them. The text analyses selected...
Wpis w postępowaniu wieczystoksięgowym – między tradycją a nowoczesnością
The article contents the origins of the entries in the land registers and their evolution especially after Poland regained its independence. In this regard it is necessary to determine the features of entries in the land...
History of the Center for American Law Studies
Wdrożenie koncepcji profesora Eugeniusza Waśkowskiego do procesu cywilnego na Litwie
The article briefly presents Prof. Eugeniusz Waśkowski’s legal concepts of civil proceedings. It focuses on main principles. Then the Author demonstrates the influense of Waśkowski concepts on Lithuanian civil procedure...