„Contracture syndrome” in newborns and infants according to Prof. Hans Mau as an explanation of the „geography” and certain clinical features of idiopathic scoliosis
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2005, Vol 7, Issue 1
Background. Many malformations and dysfunctions of the skeletal system are connected with the „contracture syndrome” described by Prof. Hans Mau. The clinical features include plagiocephaly, torticollis, infantile scoliosis, pelvic deformity, foot deformity, adductor contracture mostly of the left hip, abductor contracture mostly of the right hip.Material and methods. The authors analyzed 300 histories of children aged from 3 weeks to 12 months treated in the years 1999-2001, and 100 histories of children with idiopathic scoliosis.Conclusions. Newborns and babies with clinical features of „contracture syndrome” require further spinal examination at age 3-4 in order to detect the risk of incipient scoliosis and to introduce appropriate preventive measures.
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Karski, Tomasz Karski, Grzegorz Kandzierski, Marta Tarczyńska, Jarosław Kałakucki
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