Conventional synthesis and characterization of rare earth doped barium borophosphates, BaBPO5:RE (Y, Gd and La)
Journal Title: Archives of Materials Science and Engineering - Year 2016, Vol 81, Issue 2
Purpose: of this research, our target is synthesis and characterization of rare earth metalssuch as Y, Gd and La doped barium borophosphate compounds which are applicable innon-linear optics industry.Design/methodology/approach: The starting materials rare earth oxides, bariumcarbonate, boric acid and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate as analytically grade weighed0.01:1:1:1 molar ratio and homogenized in an agate mortar. The mixture placed into aporcelain crucible to heat in high temperature oven step by step. First, mixtures were waitedat 400°C for 2 hours for calcination process, subsequently heated 900°C with step rate10°C/m for 8 hours, and finally cooled down to room temperature with step rate 10°C/m.After many grindings final product get ready for characterization. X-ray powder diffraction(XRD) analysis was performed using PANanalytical X’Pert PRO Diffractometer (XRD) withCu Kα (1.5406 Å, 45 kV and 30 mA) radiation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) was taken on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR Spectrometer from 4000 to 650cm-1. Scanning electron microscopy was achieved in SEM JEOL 6390-LV. Luminescenceproperties were performed by Andor Solis Sr 500i spectrophotometer. Conventional solidstate syntheses were done in Protherm furnace.Findings: The powder XRD patterns of the samples show that there is no impurity related todoping materials mean all diffractions corresponding to host material barium borophosphatecrystallized in hexagonal system with unit cell parameters a=7.1003 and c=6.9705 Å. Theunit cell parameters of rare earth doped barium borophosphates were calculated and displayboth increase and decrease depends on ionic Radius of rare earths. The other supportingmethods confirm the crystal structure and luminescence properties.Research limitations/implications: The synthesis method has some disadvantagessuch as low homogeneity, non-uniform product etc. We tried to minimize these negativeaspects in our research and succeeded.Practical implications: Phosphor materials Y:BaBPO5, Gd:BaBPO5 and La:BaBPO5(ICSD 51171) were synthesized by conventional solid state method and characterizationswas mainly based on powder X-ray diffraction pattern. Also, morphological and luminescenceproperties were completed to get the highest knowledge.Originality/value: Of the paper is first time conventional synthesis of Y, Gd and La dopedBaBPO5 compounds, calculation of unit cell parameters, and investigation of morphologicaland luminescent properties.
Authors and Affiliations
G. Çelik Gül, F. Kurtuluş
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