Copywriting as an activity of online content creation
Journal Title: Communications and Communicative Technologies - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 18
Copywriting is a relatively young text-making industry, which is becoming important with the development of the Global Network. Despite the great popularity and high economic efficiency, it has not acquired the systemic scientific coverage. Meanwhile, the scientific approach, the development of a proper conceptual apparatus, weighty methodological recommendations and generalizations are of necessity.Based on the existing scientific discourse, practical experience of copywriters, numerous texts presented in blogs of reputable content studios and advertising agencies, the authors come to a definite opinion and the concrete conclusions, stated in this paper.Modern media practice is inextricably linked with the content creation and SEO promotion. Journalists, PR-specialists, ordinary owners of online resources are daily faced with the problem of filling sites, their optimization for search engines and promotion. The Ukrainian and Russian segments of the Internet are filled with resources, the content of which duplicates each other, because it created using copy-paste technology. This situation contradicts the current legislation of Ukraine, violates ethical standards and reduces the effectiveness of online texts. The development of a comprehensive scientific and methodological framework will reduce the negative situation and will be useful for practicing copywriters. The activity should go beyond the limits of purely practical activities and acquire its scientific understanding.It uses the separation of the process of creating content for copywriting, rewriting, scanning, translation from other languages, copy-paste, synonymizing. According to the authors, such an approach is optimal for the current state of this activity. From the presented list, attention is focused on copywriting as the most promising technology for creating texts for websites. All types of copywriting available in UA and Runet (image, SEO, LSI-copywriting, SMM and writing texts that sell) are analyzed, and the main requirements for each of them are highlighted.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Blynova, O. Kyrylova
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