Corporate social responsibility – basis of innovative development of enterprises of agriculture of Ukraine
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 3
Introduction. The article deals with the main factors, conditions and mechanisms of implementation of innovative development of enterprises of agroindustrial complex of Ukraine. The goal of corporate social responsibility and mechanisms of providing innovative socio-economic development of enterprises of agroindustrial complex are determined. It is established that one of the most important elements of the activity of agrarian enterprises should be the development of its innovation policy, which will include the implementation of social projects and tactical aspects of the development of social events. Goal. The purpose of the article is to justify the necessity of introducing corporate social responsibility into the system of strategic innovation management of agroindustrial enterprises with a focus on the creation and implementation of social projects. Method (methodology). In carrying out the research applied general scientific and special methods of research: analysis and synthesis, analogies and comparative analysis, the method of decomposition and the detail of processes. The use of these methods greatly contributed to the achievement of the research goal. Results It is proved that corporate social responsibility of a business is beyond the state requirements and therefore it is not subject to mandatory implementation. This is a voluntary enterprise response to social needs of society. Integrated effect is determined by the overall quality of enterprise management and awareness of leadership on social needs of society. Implementation of the basic principles of CSR in the implementation of social projects can significantly increase the competitiveness of enterprises. The main stages of the management process of social and economic projects of distributed organizational structures of the regional level are proposed.
Authors and Affiliations
Kateryna Vlasova
Нормативно-правове обґрунтування соціальної безпеки на міжнародному рівні: історичний та просторовий аспекти
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